Saturday 25 May 2013

WêB WörLð ( Interesting Facts about Web)

Internet turns 30 !!!

The Internet completed 30 years on 1 January 2013.It officially began the historic transformation of the world on January 1 1983,when for the first time the US Department of Defence-Commissioned ARPANET network fully switched to use the Internet protocol suite (IPS) communication system.This new method of linking computers through telecommunication devices and the interlinked hypetext documents invented by British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 eventually led to the World Wide Web.Based on designs by Welsh scientist Donald Davies,the ARPANET network initially began as a military project in the late 1960s.However,going by increasing scale Cyber Wars,is the world turning back to the non-peaceful use of the Internet?
Anyway its time to wish HAPPY BIRTH DAPY INTERNET!!!

Reference: Business India 2013

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